Sunday, February 01, 2009

Comfy dog

Cooper, originally uploaded by kn4ds.

Here's Cooper - one of our cocker spaniels.

He's 5 years old, and he's lived here in his forever home for 2 years.

The thing to remember is that he was abused for the first 3 years of his life, so he's not very trusting. He's turned on me, trying to bite me, several times over the last two years. But I understand that he's not had a loving family before, so I don't get real upset with him.

He also gets very upset with himself after such an episode, because he does know how well he has it here, and he knows that we love him... but he knows he shouldn't be attacking us. He'll hang his head and mope for a while until I tell him it's OK and he's a good boy again.

The thing is, he's recently started seeming a bit more relaxed. Tonight, I saw him in the recliner, and shot this while commenting that I wished he would get to a point where he was trusting and relaxed.

Miniature? Or not?

miniature roppongi, originally uploaded by Cory.Lum.

I found this on Flickr while looking through "Explore" new uploads.

I really like this type of photography - the manipulation of the image in the computer to make it appear as if the scene is actually in miniature.

Props to the photographer for this nice example.

From the fires of hell

Flames, originally uploaded by kn4ds.

This is simply a photo of the fire from the starter fluid in the charcoal grill on Saturday evening.

What's interesting is the demonic face that appears JUST to the left and above dead center.

It'll be interesting to see the responses to the photo (if anybody ever sees this thing).